Dear parents/ guardians
We have received confirmation of the funeral arrangements for Miss Marsha Webb and I am writing to let you know of some changes to the planned Inset Day for this term to allow for our colleagues to be able to attend the funeral service. We had originally planned to have an Inset Day on Monday 11th July but will now move this to Thursday 30th June to accommodate staff attending Miss Webb’s funeral.
Monday 11th July will now be a normal school day for all pupils. We understand that the Eid ul-Adha festival may coincide with 11th July (which is why we chose it as the original Inset Day) and if this is the case then pupils of the Muslim faith may still take that day off and it would be categorised as an absence due to religious observance.
I would like to thank parents in advance for their understanding of these late changes due to the tragic circumstances within our community.
Yours faithfully
Stuart Davies