Admissions Information

Subject to the Local Education Authority’s conditions, Cathays High operates an open admission policy.

All students, regardless of background, culture and ethnicity are welcome.

The school’s catchment area normally guarantees admission to all students who live within it. Out of catchment admissions are subject to the school’s standard admission limit which is currently 240 places.
Parents wishing to transfer their children from another school should contact the Local Education Authority in writing, stating the reasons for their request.

Parents moving into the catchment area from outside the LEA should also contact the Authority. All prospective students with their families are invited to tour the school before starting and are actively encouraged to do so.

Admission of Pupils with Disabilities

The school if fully committed to discharging our Disability Equality Duty & has an action plan in place to ensure the practice of positive attitudes to disabled people and encourage them to participate in all ways of public life.
However, the school building contains full and smaller flights of stairs and lack of resources mean our programme of adaptation to cater for physical mobility problems is at an early stage.

LEA Admissions - Cardiff Council

Below is a video from Cardiff Council explaining the admissions process:


Apply online!

You can apply for a secondary school place online when admissions are open.

Use the online school applications system to:

  • Create an account if you do not have one already
  • Make a new application
  • Continue with an application you have saved
  • View your application
  • View your school place offers