Mrs E. Webb
Mrs E. Webb
Teacher of Food & Technology
Raising Standards Leader
Mrs S. Ali
Teacher of I.T
Area Leader
Mrs K. Durrant
Teacher of Technology
Area Leader
Mr C. Cotter
Teacher of Food & Technology
Head of Year
Mr M. Milburn
Teacher of Computer Science & ICT
Mr L. Williams
Teacher of IT & Technology
Mr D. Owen-Harris
Teacher of Technology
Capped 9 Leader
This course is a must for anyone who wishes to develop their practical skills and to develop an understanding of nutrition, food preparation, food safety and food
storage. It is an essential option for students who wish to work within the food
The course comprises six units:
1. Food commodities
2. Principles of nutrition
3. Diet and good health
4. The science of food
5. Where food comes from
6. Cooking and food preparation
The course covered by WJEC.
There are TWO units:
Unit 1 (exam): Principles of Food and Nutrition (40%)
Written Paper: 1½ hours
Section A: questions based on stimulus materials.
Section B: a range of question types to assess all content related to food and
Unit 2: Food and Nutrition in Action (60%)
2 Non-examination assessments: internally assessed, externally moderated
Assessment 1: 10 hours Assessment 2: 15 hours
Assessment 1: The Food Investigation Assessment: 20% of the total marks
This consists of a scientific food investigation which will assess the learner’s
knowledge, skills and understanding in relation to the scientific principles
underlying the preparation and cooking of food.
Assessment 2: The Food Preparation Assessment 40% of the total marks 15
This task assesses the learner’s knowledge, skills and understanding in relation to the planning, preparation, cooking and presentation of dishes to form a menu.
You will develop your food preparation and food handling skills
through regular participation in practical sessions which will involve meal
production, experimental work, food testing and modifying recipes.
Employers are needing more and more young people with computing skills to fill skilled jobs, and universities are asking for students to have Computing skills for a wide range of courses. In WJEC Computer Science GCSE course you will learn how computers really work, and not just how to use them.
You will program the computer using Python and create web pages using HTML and learn how information is processed, stored and communicated over the Internet, how networks work and about the hardware and software that make up a computer system.
Unit 1: Understanding Computer Science – this is a written paper to assess understanding of the theory content of the course at the end of year 11. This is 45% of the GCSE
Unit 2: Solving Problems Using Computers – This is an on screen exam consisting of a series of tasks designed to assess the practical application of knowledge and understanding. This is 30% of the GCSE
Unit 3: Developing Computing Solutions – This is a controlled assessment task set by the WJEC and completed over 15 hours. It involves creating a developing a computer program to solve a given problem. This is 25% of the GCSE.
A course in Information and Communication Technology offers a unique opportunity in the curriculum for candidates to identify and solve real problems by designing information and communication systems in a wide range of contexts relating to their personal interests. Information and Communication Technology develops candidates’ interdisciplinary skills and their capacity for imaginative, innovative thinking, creativity and independence. The specification encourages the investigation and study of Information and Communication Technology in a variety of contexts. In these contexts, the candidates are given opportunities to acquire competence, capability and critical skills through the creation, implementation, use and evaluation of a range of information and communication systems.
Candidates from all cultures and both genders can develop their interest in,
enjoyment of, and critical reflection about information technology as an integral part of modern society.
Unit 1: Understanding ICT Single Award 20%; External Assessment: 1½ hours 80 Marks (40 UMS) This examination paper will assess the requirements of the Key Stage 4 Programme of Study for Information and Communication Technology and the functional elements of ICT in a home and school context.
Unit 2: Solving Problems with ICT Single Award 30%; Controlled Assessment: 22½ hours 80 Marks (60 UMS) This controlled assessment consists of a portfolio of work which shows candidates’ attainment in obtaining and interpreting different types of information; using, developing and communicating information to meet the purpose of their studies and presenting the results of their work. This assignment will assess the practical aspects of the functional elements of ICT.
Unit 3: ICT in Organisations Single Award 20% External Assessment: 1½ hours 80 Marks (40 UMS) This examination paper will assess the ‘application’ content of ICT in a business and industry context.
Unit 4: Developing Multimedia ICT Solutions Single Award 30% Controlled
Assessment: 22½ hours 80 Marks (60 UMS) This controlled assessment will give candidates the opportunity to develop a piece of work using multimedia software following a single task brief issued by WJEC.
In GCSE Resistant Materials, as in other projects, you have carried out in Years 7, 8 and 9 you will be following a Design and Make process. This involves the production of a design folder and a product made from Resistant Materials woods, metals and plastics). In Year 10 you will carry out a variety of tasks that will make you familiar with manufacturing processes in a wide selection of materials that will allow you to tackle most design problems.
You will build upon your knowledge of hand tools and learn how to use machinery and power tools effectively. You are able to choose what you wish to make for your Year 11 project following tasks set by the exam board. Candidates in previous years have made children’s toys, chairs and jewellery items.
You will be able to improve upon your graphical skills and gain a working
knowledge of both CAD (computer aided design) and CAM (computer aided
The course covered is WJEC – D&T Resistant Materials Technology.
There is only one tier level covering grades A*-G.
There are two units: – Unit 1: Written paper- 50% Unit 2: Design and make task – 50%
You will be required to select a design brief from a list of Controlled Assessment Tasks. A design folder and product made from resistant materials (wood, metals and plastics) must be completed in the workshop over a period of approximately 45 hours.
In GCSE Textiles, as in previous D&T projects, you will be working through the `design` and `make` process. This involves producing a design folder and a creative product made from fabric. You are able to choose what to make following
the tasks that are given to you from the examination board. Candidates in the past have made a wide selection of products from fashion garments to creative bags and cushions.
You are expected to improve your skills working with different tools and equipment, fabrics and components. There will also be a large input of
computer skills required including CAD (computer aided design) and CAM (computer aided manufacture).
Alongside the coursework a wide variety of topics are covered:- the fashion industry, modern fibres and fabrics, creative techniques and processes, using modern technology etc.
The course covered is WJEC –Art and Design Textiles.
There are TWO units:-
Coursework (60%) – To present a Textile Design sketchbook along with final outcomes (Fashion, wall hanging, collage, embroidery) based on a
given theme.
Final Examination (40%) – Six weeks to prepare a second sketchbook on another theme followed by a 10-hour examination to produce a final outcome.