Raising Standards Leader

Mr D. Birt

Taught by:

Mrs J. Williams

Teacher of Science

Area Leader

Miss C. Suarez

Teacher of Science

Area Leader

Mr C. Young

Teacher of Science

Mr H. Verner

Teacher of Science

Mr J. Thomas

Teacher of Science

Mr N. Salter

Teacher of Science

Miss C. Bentley

Teacher of Science

Mr S. Heravi

Teacher of Science

Mr C. Allen

Teacher of Science

Dr V. Flamini

Teacher of Science

Information on GCSE Science

Science is a core subject and is studied by all students.

Year 10 GCSE Core Science
The main objective of this part of the course is to interest and engage candidates in science.

Year 11 GCSE Additional Science
This course aims to build on the progress that pupils have made in Year 10.

Year 10 and Year 11 separate Science
This course is aimed for students who gain a level 6 or above in English, Mathematics and Science. Separate Science is an additional five lessons a fortnight.
GCSE Separate Sciences will give successful pupils a perfect grounding for studying Science and Science related subjects at a higher level.

Core and Additional Science

  • Coursework makes up 25% of the final mark for each GCSE.
  • The course is modular so you sit examinations in both June of Year 10 and Year 11, with the opportunity to resit the June Year 10 examinations once in January Year 11.

Separate Science

  • Coursework makes up 25% of the final mark for each GCSE.
  • The course is modular so you sit examinations in both June of Year 10, January of Year 11 and June of Year 11with the opportunity to resit the June Year 10 examinations once in January Year 11 and the January Year 11 exam in the June of Year 11.

Information on AS/A2 Science