January 2022
Dear Parent/Guardian,
In Wellbeing lessons this term, we are covering the topic of ‘Bodies’. The following topics will be looked at:
- Year 7 – Body Image, Puberty and Sex and the law
- Year 8 – Contraception and sexism
- Year 9 – Contraception, STIs and Consent
These lessons will be taught by your child’s Wellbeing teacher. Miss H Evans, Mr A MacDonald, Miss M Webb and Mr S Clarke teach Year 7 and 8 Wellbeing. Miss C Merriott and Mr J Taylor teach Year 9 Wellbeing. These lessons are taught by a specialist team from the Health and Wellbeing area and we would address all topics in a careful age appropriate manner.
At present, Sexuality and Relationships Education is a compulsory part of the teaching curriculum in secondary education. If you do not wish your child to be involved in the SRE topics, please complete the form HERE to withdraw your child. If we do not hear from you, we assume you are happy for your child to take part.
In September 2022, Sexuality and Relationships Education will become compulsory for all children and parents/guardians will no longer be able to remove their children from classes. Further information will be sent out soon explaining the changes.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you require further information about the Wellbeing lessons.
Yours sincerely,
Mr D. Jay Miss C. Merriott
RSL – Health and Wellbeing Area Leader – Health and Wellbeing