Heath Park Letter

2nd January 2024

Dear parents/guardians

I’m sure that you are aware of the issue we had with the buses provided by Adventure Travel yesterday afternoon at Heath park. Unfortunately, the buses that the Local Authority provides for us failed to turn up without warning and our PE staff were left at the park with no explanation.

Mr Sage contacted the school and made sure that appropriate staff were aware that they would be delayed. Nearly all students were able to contact their parents/guardians and Mr Sage provided a phone for those students who were unable to call. After waiting for a short time in case the buses arrived late, Mr Sage decided that the best course of action was to walk back to the school. This was after Mr Sage tried to contact the company on a number of occasions.

I immediately contacted the local authority to complain about this incident. The LA have contacted the bus contractor to impress on them the importance of arriving on time to collect students. We will continue to liaise with the LA to monitor the situation.

Fortunately, all students arrived safely back to school, although this took some time due to the importance of making sure that the students were brought back by the safest route, closely supervised by the PE staff.

We have reviewed our processes today, and, if this were to happen again, we will also ensure that we send regular text messages to parents directly from the school to ensure that everyone is kept up to date.

We are very grateful for your understanding in this matter and please be rest assured that we are in continuous contact with the LA to express our concerns that our staff, parents and students were placed in this situation.

Yours sincerely

S Davies

Mr Davies


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